Profitable Investing lets you live into richness

Profitable Investing lets you live your dreams

Profitable Investing in any market direction

Desire to live into richness?

Discover the secrets of the 1% to secure a better, more stable financial future.

Always dreamed of a beachfront office?

Put our timely information and strategies to work and make it happen.

What if you could profit in all market directions?

Our alerts provide profitable opportunities in bull and bear markets.


Profitable Investing Results From Being Informed!

Trade smarter and generate more profits by taking advantage of timely alerts, insightful training, and powerful information.



U.S. Treasuries
U.S. Treasuries

Grow assets by capitalizing on unnoticed value in uncertain times.

U.S. Treasuries

Gold is beautiful. Profiting significantly on Gold is better.

S&P 500
S&P 500

Bull or Bear, find great trades that make money.

S&P 500
Multiple Signals = up to 589% ROI*
Multiple Signals = up to 589% ROI*

Combined alerts quickly super-charge portfolio performance.  

Multiple Signals = up to 589% ROI*


Revealed: How a Member Can Succeed!

Profitable Investing:  $10,000 Into $45,000+ in a Couple of Years*…


Get The Alerts

Alerts are generated at the close of the trading day for the following trading day.  This gives plenty of time to check the signal and decide how you’ll put it to work.


Set Your Trades

Alerts work with all broker accounts.  Easily set trades up in the evening or over the weekend for the following market opening.  This is low stress and we show you how to get the best prices.


Take Profits

The alerts are designed to find profitable open and close points, so put the signals to work.  It is better to take profits early than see profits turn to losses.  Having a reputation for consistency with a 80%+ win rate feels great!

Yes, I Want To Try These Alerts!


Inflation, Growth, or Recession

Regardless of economic condition, the alerts have you covered:





Gold is the oldest investment of humanity and has been prized since the beginning of time. Since 1792, Gold has appreciated more than 8,000%.

During periods of inflation, Gold appreciates at a faster pace and Summerland Alerts help pick some of the best times to perform profitable investing in Gold.


The S&P 500 is comprised of a highly diversified group of profitable companies. They are the vanguard of economic success. Since 1970, the S&P 500 has generated a 25 year annualized return of 9.71% INCLUDING the Great Recession.

When strong economic growth occurs, the S&P 500 sees greater returns and the Summerland Alerts give an opportunity to take the greatest advantage of these times.


Treasuries, also called U.S. Government Savings Bonds, are considered a “safe” investment in times of trouble. The U.S. Government has maintained its  commitment to pay bondholders and that has held our government debt in good standing despite global economic chaos.

Summerland Alerts exist to help members know how to leverage Treasuries to the greatest extent possible.


 Yes, Help Me Take Advantage Of These Economic Changes!

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Here’s what members receive. It is $0 up-front cost to join:

  • Special Report:  Understanding wealth inequality and how you can fix it.
  • Wealth Building Ideas:  Our magazine available on Apple’s Newsstand with articles re-published on this site for members.  Save $24/year compared to other subscriptions!
  • Profitable Investing With Summerland Alerts: 30-day trial of our super powerful alerts subscription.  This is the “secret sauce” to increasing trading profits.

Yes, Sign Me Up!

3 Huge Reasons to Join…

Membership includes all this:

Special Report:

Understanding Wealth Inequality and How You Can Fix It.

Learn the shocking truth behind how wealth is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.  Government can’t fix this problem but you can – find out how in this report.

  • Wealth inequality impacts more than just the bank account.
  • Bias against “upward mobility” exposed.
  • Who’s to blame for the shrinking Middle-Class and what to do about it.
  • Why tax policy is ineffective.
  • How to overcome the wealth divide.

Yes, Give Me The Special Report!

fix the wealth divide

“Wealth Building Ideas”

Wealth Building Ideas is our Monthly magazine that we publish on Apple’s Newsstand. Filled with great articles from Insurance and Financial Planning to Real Estate, it is guaranteed to always be informative. Articles are re-published here for direct member access. Save $24 or more per year versus subscribing to other personal finance magazines.

wealth building ideas

Before You Buy Life Insurance Online, Talk to Your Auto / Home Insurance Pro

You can buy just about anything online—and many of us do so–leading to 289 billion U.S. dollars in online sales in 2012.

According to one forecast, experts predict the number of U.S. online shoppers will grow to 175 million by 2016. While many are purchasing airline tickets, electronics, clothing and more, some are buying financial products—including life insurance.

But before you join them, consider these reasons to talk to your auto / home insurance pro first.

Subscribe to get the tips you must know before buying insurance online…

Thinking About Investing in Real Estate?  Avoid These “Newbie” Mistakes

While property values are increasing, they remain substantially less than their 2006 peak in many parts of the country.

Couple affordable prices with mortgage interest rates that are still quite low by historical standards and real estate continues to be an attractive investment option for many entrepreneurial Americans.

However, if you are thinking about joining the landlord throng, it’s important to avoid these “newbie” mistakes.

Subscribe to learn about how to not make these top 5 mistakes…

Why You Need Liability Protection

Accidents happen to everyone, regardless of income or financial position. However, if you think the injured can only sue millionaires for millions of dollars, you’re wrong. All it takes is a serious auto collision or unforeseen mishap at your home to trigger a costly lawsuit and sizeable award—if you don’t have personal liability protection, that is.

Subscribe to learn more about finding the right liability protection…

Are You Saving Enough?

Retirement should be an achievement to look forward to, not a burden to fret about—but your financial situation when you enter your golden years greatly determines how enjoyable they will be. Unfortunately, the average American household has saved very little towards retirement according to the National Institute on Retirement Security.

Subscribe to find out how to have the cash you need when you retire…

More Sample Articles:

[display-posts category=”wealth-building-ideas” posts_per_page=”3″ include_excerpt=”true” wrapper=”div”]

What Others Are Saying About Wealth Building Ideas:

Definitely recommend ★★★★★
by AnnieGBC

The Wealth Building Ideas issues contain a great mix of tips, tricks and pieces of advice for those anxious to strengthen their financial position. Each issue gets stronger and stronger and I look forward to seeing what they have in store for upcoming issues. Easy to use and covers a solid breadth of topics. Definitely worth checking out!


Very Informative and Relevant ★★★★★
by chasingamy

I first stumbled across WBI’s December issue a few days ago, and was impressed with the amount of information it provides in terms that the average person can understand. The topics covered are also relevant and do make the reader see the importance of addressing issues such as creating a will and better strategies for managing money. As someone who needs to stress the importance of a will to my 51 year old mother (without her freaking out!) I had her read the article in WBI, and it has given me a better platform to have that uncomfortable conversation. I will definitely be reading the back issues and subsequent issues in 2014.


Impressive! ★★★★★
by Taylor Evon

I am very impressed with this app! Wealth Building Ideas has an elegant, easy to use design. In addition to the beautiful aesthetics, the content was superb! I learned quite a few new things that will definitely help me in the future. Wealth Building Ideas is now an essential addition to my reading list!


Yes, Give Me Access to More Awesome Articles!


Summerland Alerts offer investors special insights

Stock Market Alerts Subscription $0 Trial.

Super charge portfolio performance by putting all of Summerland Associate’s dynamic and timely alerts to work.

Alerts build a better performing portfolio simply:

  • Limit risk
  • Easy trading
  • Minimal starting capital required
  • Use any broker
  • Work in any market condition, up or down


Up 617% Since 6/1/2011:


Summerland S&P 500
2011 (Last 7 months of year) 77.92% -1.28%
2012 54.55% 15.31%
2013 138.67% 26.40%
2014 (Current through 2/8/14)* -6.30% -3.10%

* The market is in a period of transition.  The Alerts automatically adjust for this which is what is happening right now.  Typically these are “turning points” that reveal great investment opportunities to make big profits.



Yes, I’m ready. Put the alerts to work!

Why Summerland Associates is Different:

We are driven by core values that influence all we offer.


Where Most Investment Newsletters Are Wrong vs Summerland Alerts

The “Other” Newsletters

  • May invest in “high risk” penny stocks or crazy “binary options”
  • Rely on volatile “high risk” stocks to produce results
  • Rely on complex methods
  • One bad investment can blow a hole in your portfolio
  • False claims (Turn $5 into $1,000,000 in a year)

~ US ~

  • Profitable investing in diversified ETFs
  • Rides market waves to profit in high quality stocks
  • Buy and sell stocks.  No options.  Very straightforward
  • Professional portfolio management techniques limit downside risk
  • Real potential, realistic possibilities

Yes, I’m Ready To Become a Member!


Summerland Associates is an Amazing Value:

At $89/month, membership is a bargain.
For a limited time get it for 80% off!

Try membership for $0 up front and get 30 days free.


What You Can Expect From Us

  • What you see is what you get.  We don’t promise one thing and then ask you to pay for add-ons to make it all work.
  • Our special reports are insightful and worth reading.
  • Our magazine “Wealth Building Ideas” is designed to bring you the best ideas to help you manage your finances, protect your loved ones, and build a brighter future.
  • Our courses are guaranteed to inform and be easy to understand.
  • No quarterly payments or long-term contracts.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.  If you follow the alerts religiously and do not outperform the S&P 500 after one year of using the alerts, get a full refund!
  • Try membership for 30-days for $0.  No obligation.




Satisfaction Guaranteed

OK, Sign Me Up!



*Disclaimer: Whenever we talk about performance we are required to also give a disclaimer.  When we mention a 617% return, the period of time being evaluated is roughly 2.5 years.  When we mention a 450% return, the period of time being evaluated is the period of 6/1/11 – 6/1/13.

Two separate people receiving the same information may see different performance. How is that possible? A part of it may have to do with what risk level they are comfortable with and how that impacts their trading style. Likewise, some people delay when they use signals while others don’t use all signals. They try to cherry pick what they think are the best. Our results assume all signals are being used at the most aggressive level possible. This means that losses will occur as well as profits. The consistent execution of the signals is an important part of the strategy.

While every effort is made to test the actual experience of subscribers, most performance figures must be considered hypothetical, and past results are no guarantee of future performance. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an real performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. 

References to examples of past performance are not intended to give a total picture of portfolio results.

Your results may vary considerably depending on a series of factors, including: (a) when you begin or stop investing, (b) which recommendations you choose to act on, (c) how much money you choose to invest in each recommendation, (d) the specific prices you get, (e) the broker commissions you pay, (f) the interest income you earn on uninvested funds, and (g) the number and magnitude of losing or winning trades you experience.  Profitable Investing is a direct result of your actions.